You are hereWelcome
This is the personal home page of William Raymond Finck Jr. This page is meant to be a place to exchange data with family and friends, post items of interest, and generally entertain any silly whim which happens to arise in my thoughts.
This picture was taken recently, on the rear porch of my home in rural, upstate New York. It is February, 2009
Looking for my real work? Or my real opinions? (Don't say you weren't warned!)
If you are interested in my writings on the Bible, History, and Politics, you won’t find them here—although I may on occasion rant about culture (or the lack thereof) in America. For my historical religious and political writings, visit my more professional (well, I’d like to think so) website, My Christogenea website is now often one of the top 100,000 websites in the country, according to, and since it reached that point while being less than two years old (in early December of 2010) I don't mind boasting just a little while praising Christ for that!
My second book has just been completed. See my author's page at
Watch for a third book some time this coming Spring, on early European history and the settlement of Europe by people fron the Near East in the time spanning the two thousand years before Christ.
Blogging (Isn't everyone?)
For my personal blog, go to click the blog link on the menu above (I just fixed the link, after who-knows-how-long, 12-14-2010). I’ve set it up, but I’m not entirely sure how often I’ll get to actually make posts. As time allows, I will do what I can with it. My more active blog is at
This site is under construction. It will be a long while before I get it set up the way that I envision it. Check back infrequently for new additions!
I am starting a new business, Plymouth Internet Services. Have an uncle that needs a web site set up? An online store? Content management? Have him write me at!
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